Delhi: Recently, a meeting was held to analyze the poor performance of Team India on the Australia tour, in which captain Rohit Sharma, head coach Gautam Gambhir and chief selector Ajit Agarkar were present. In this meeting, the reasons for the defeat in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy were discussed, and a new suggestion also came forward. Under this, players will be given money based on their performance, that is, as per the performance, so is the reward. Its objective is to make players more responsible towards their game, especially Test cricket.

Earning will be based on performance

According to the report, if a player does not perform well in his role, his earnings may be cut. This method is similar to the way salaries are changed in an office based on the performance of employees. The purpose of this change is to make the players understand their responsibilities and improve their performance.

Performance-Based Income System

This new system may be similar to BCCI’s previous incentive system, in which players were paid based on their role in Test cricket. For example, players who are part of the playing eleven in 50 percent of the matches of the season get Rs 30 lakh. If this percentage reaches 75, the amount increases to Rs 45 lakh.

Will there be a cut in players’ match fees?

At present players get Rs 15 lakh for every test match. Under the new suggestion, there is a possibility of reduction in this money based on performance.

Video: BCCI’s new rules, Dhoni’s unique habit and preparation for the great India-Pakistan match

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