Delhi: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, son of former Indian team captain Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, was attacked with a knife in his Bandra house late on Wednesday night. He was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, where his condition is now said to be out of danger. According to reports, Saif’s operation has been done successfully and cosmetic surgery is also being done on the wounds. During the operation, a three-inch sharp object was removed from his wound.

Squad dog has also been brought to Saif’s apartment for police investigation. According to initial information, an unknown person entered Saif’s house and during a scuffle attacked the actor with a knife. Some members of Saif’s family were also present at home at the time of the incident. It is being told that the person who entered the house had a dispute with the maid, after which Saif tried to intervene, but in the meantime the accused attacked him.

As soon as information about the incident was received, Bandra Police reached the spot and started investigation. According to the police, the attack took place around 2:30 in the night. Saif has suffered injuries on his hands, neck and spine. His wife Kareena Kapoor Khan reached the hospital at 4:30 in the morning and took stock of the situation.

According to the report, Bandra DCP has confirmed that Saif has suffered knife injuries, but these wounds are not life-threatening. At present, the police is busy investigating the incident.

It is known that Saif Ali Khan’s father Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi has played cricket for England apart from India.

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