Delhi: Many questions have been raised about the relationship between Gautam Gambhir and Mahendra Singh Dhoni for years. Gambhir’s childhood coach Sanjay Bhardwaj openly gave his opinion on the issue. He told that there is a belief in the minds of people about Gambhir that he is very stubborn, but the truth is different from it.
Sanjay Bhardwaj told the truth
When Sanjay Bhardwaj was asked in a podcast whether Gambhir and Dhoni did not really like each other, he clearly said-“Gautam does not hate anyone. This is a truth. People say that Gambhir does not like Dhoni, or Virat Kohli, but it is not so. He can agree or disagree not with any person, but his special work. Gautam Gambhir does not have a personal wrong feeling for anyone. “
‘Battle is limited to the ground’
According to Sanjay Bhardwaj, “Gautam said to me, ‘Sir, have you ever heard that I have said something wrong about someone?’ He never fights with anyone personal. They only stand for their team. For example, if someone says anything about Naveen-ul-Haq, it does not matter to Gambhir whether there is Virat Kohli or someone else. He simply fights for his team player. “
Bhardwaj further said, “His team for Gambhir is like family. He believes in thinking that ‘I can clash with anyone for my team’. All their controversies are only related to the events on the field. He has no personal fight with anyone outside the field. “
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