Delhi: India’s great cricketer Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma recently celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary. Kohli is currently in Australia with Team India for the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, and Anushka is also present with him. Meanwhile, on December 13, Indian captain Rohit Sharma and his wife Ritika Sajdeh celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary. On this special occasion, Ritika shared pictures with Rohit on social media and extended her best wishes.
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Rohit seen on the beach with family
Ritika has posted four pictures on her Instagram. In the first of these pictures, Rohit Sharma, Ritika and their daughter Samaira are seen posing on the sea shore. In the second picture, Rohit is seen playing with his daughter Samaira. The third picture is after the victory of T-20 World Cup 2024, in which Rohit is seen with Ritika and Adaira. The fourth and last picture is a selfie of Rohit and Ritika.
Ritika wrote- ‘Happy 9 Baby’
On the special occasion of their wedding anniversary, Ritika gave a lovely message to her husband Rohit. He wrote in the caption, “Happy 9 baby. The best father, husband, friend and everything I could ask for.”
Rohit-Ritika become parents of son
Rohit Sharma and Ritika Sajdeh were married on 13 December 2015. Three years later, on 30 December 2018, their daughter Samaira was born. Now his daughter is almost 6 years old. Recently in November, Rohit and Ritika became parents for the second time. He has named his son ‘Ahaan’.
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