Delhi: While playing in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, a quarrel between children took a tragic turn. A 13 -year -old boy lost his life in the fight after a minor argument. This incident is from Mansagar Park in Mahamandir police station area, where children were playing cricket on 24 January. Meanwhile, Brahmapuri resident Fundamental Dave (son Amit Dave) had a dispute with other children. According to the report, the original was refusing to feed other children, due to which he was beaten up.
During the quarrel, a boy attacked the original with plastic stumps, after which other children also beat him in the same manner. The seriously injured Maulik was admitted to the hospital, where he died after treatment for four days. During this time he remained in a coma. It is being told that after the beating of the children, the original faint fell on the ground and started foaming from his mouth.
The entire incident was recorded in the nearby CCTV camera, on the basis of which the father of the original, Amit Dave, lodged a complaint with the Mahamandir police station.
After the incident, the police had detained three minors and sent them to the child improvement home and a case of fatal attack was registered on them. But, now after the death of the original, the murder section will be added in this case and the investigation will proceed on the basis of the murder charge. This incident remains the subject of discussion in the cricket world.
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