Delhi: Indian cricket selectors on Tuesday announced a 15-member squad for the ICC Under-19 Women’s T20 World Cup to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from January 18 to February 2 next year, which will be captained by Nikki Prasad while Sanika Chalke will be the vice-captain. Will play a role. Kamalini G and Bhavika Ahire have been included in the team as wicketkeepers, while three standby players Nandana S, Ira J and Anadi T will also be a part of the team.
16 teams will participate in this tournament, which are divided into four groups. Reigning champion India has been placed in Group A along with hosts Malaysia, West Indies and Sri Lanka. The Indian team will play its first match against West Indies on 19 January. After this, there will be matches against Malaysia on 21 January and Sri Lanka on 23 January.
The group stage matches will be held between January 19 and 23. The top three teams from each group will advance to the Super Six stage (January 25-29). There will be two groups of six teams each in Super Six. The top two teams from these groups will qualify for the semi-finals (January 31). The final match will be played on 2 February.
Australia, Bangladesh, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka and West Indies made it to the tournament based on their participation in the 2023 World Cup. Host Malaysia has got direct entry. At the same time, Nepal, Nigeria, Samoa, Scotland and America confirmed their places by winning the regional tournament.
The Indian team is as follows –
Nikki Prasad (captain), Sanika Chalke (vice-captain), G Trisha, Kamalini G (wicketkeeper), Bhavika Ahire (wicketkeeper), Ishwari Avasare, Mithila Vinod, Joshita VJ, Sonam Yadav, Parunika Sisodia, Kesari Drithi, Ayushi Shukla, Anandita Kishore, MD Shabnam, Vaishnavi S.
Standby player: Nandana S, Ira J, Anadi T