Delhi: So after speculations and denials, now the news has been formally revealed quoting family sources that cricketer Rinku Singh and SP MP Priya Saroj will get married. Both their families agree. There is no formal function yet as both Rinku and Priya are busy but the wedding will take place within a year. While Rinku was busy in the series against England, Priya was busy in the Thiruvananthapuram Parliamentary Committee meeting.

Suddenly rumors of a relationship arose and there was a storm of different types of news and photos of the two created by AI on social media. Although Rinku is famous for her explosive batting in cricket and the flight of her career in the KKR camp, there was no discussion of Priya in cricket before this. 5 sixes off consecutive balls off Yash Dayal and being retained by KKR for Rs 13 crore before last year’s IPL mega auction are Rinku’s best introductions. A lot has been written about Rinku, who is playing ODI and T20 International for India, so now let’s talk about Priya Saroj who will soon be a special name in Team India’s ‘WAGS Gang’. This is not the only introduction about him because he has his own special identity and his career line is fixed.

basically Hai from Varanasi (Karkhiyanv village) but studied in Delhi. Scully from Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, BA from Delhi University and LLB from Amity University, Noida. Started law practice in Supreme Court and then came into politics. Actually Priya inherited politics. His father Toofani Saroj has been a three-time MP, twice from Saidpur and once from Machhilishahr in 2009. Were defeated in 2014 and 2019. Presently he is the MLA of Samajwadi Party (SP) from Kerakat seat of Jaunpur district. She was taking part in her father’s election campaign in the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections and during that time the discussion of her also joining politics started. That is why Priya did not face any problem in getting Samajwadi Party ticket and became MP directly from Machhilishahr Lok Sabha seat in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Not only did she create a record for being one of the youngest MPs in the country, she defeated BJP MP BP Saroj by more than 35 thousand votes.

Priya saw her father doing politics from the beginning but did not see her career in politics. That’s why after my law degree, I started preparing for the Justice exam during Covid-19. In fact, when she got the party ticket, she was taking online classes for the exam.

Now the most discussed issue is how did Rinku Singh and Priya Saroj meet? It is reported that both have known each other for more than a year. The meeting was arranged by a family friend. Soon both of them started liking each other but this relationship was approved with the consent of the families.

According to the Lok Sabha website, in a release from the Election Commission of India, it was said that Priya’s election affidavit states that her total assets are around Rs 11.26 lakh and apart from cash, it also includes 5 grams of gold. He neither has his own car nor any house.

Kolkata Knight Riders owner Shahrukh Khan once asked Rinku about her marriage and then also promised that he would dance at that wedding. So the time is coming for Shahrukh to dance.

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