Delhi: Before the mega auction of IPL 2025, former Indian cricketer Suresh Raina has made a big prediction about Rishabh Pant. He believes that Pant can be sold for more than Rs 25 crore in this auction. Raina said that Pant’s ‘X factor’ makes him very special for the teams, and that is why there can be a tough competition for him among all the franchises.
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Raina said that apart from batting and wicketkeeping, Pant also gives new energy and leadership experience to the team. The former cricketer said, “He is not just a player but the X factor of the team. No coach or owner can ignore this.”
Kolkata Knight Riders spent Rs 24.75 crore on Mitchell Starc last year, which was the biggest bid in IPL history. But, Raina feels that Pant can break this record this time. He said, “Punjab, Delhi, KKR and RCB have big budgets. I think Pant can be sold for Rs 4-5 crore more than Rs 25 crore.”
Raina, who has won the title four times with Chennai Super Kings, also said that Pant’s captaincy and his rapport with the players make him special. If Pant becomes a part of any team, he can prove to be important for the team for three years. Especially teams like RCB and KKR will try to include him.
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