Delhi: Recently questions are being raised on the status of Team India’s Test and ODI captain Rohit Sharma. Apart from Rohit’s form, some controversies also went against him. According to reports, dressing room talks were leaked, and Rohit decided to sit out of the final Test due to poor form. Along with this, it was also claimed in the media reports that the relationship between Rohit and Gautam Gambhir has turned sour and questions have been raised regarding captaincy.
Rohit gave statement on relationship with Gambhir
During the press conference, Rohit was asked about his relationship with Gautam Gambhir and the controversy surrounding the Australia series. He said, “Both of us know very well what we have to do. I am not going to sit here and tell you about the things behind the scenes. The strategy made in every match remains clear.”
The captain further said, “Gautam Gambhir is a person who trusts the captain’s decisions on the field. Whatever happens, it happens outside the field. Whatever happens on the field or in the dressing room is my responsibility. “It is a question of mutual trust, and this is the right approach.”
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