Delhi: Before the last match of India vs Australia Test series, all the players were seen celebrating New Year. Indian legends Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma celebrated the New Year 2025 together in Sydney. The power couple was seen twinning in black outfits and walking hand in hand on the streets of Sydney on their way to a party. One of his videos is going viral on social media, seeing which fans are praising him.

It can be seen in the viral video that Anushka and Virat are going for a party. Both were walking holding hands. Both Virat and Anushka were looking very beautiful in black clothes. Virat wore a black shirt and pants, while Anushka attracted everyone’s attention by wearing a short dress. Devdutt Padikkal and fast bowler Prasidh Krishna were also seen going to the New Year party with this power couple.

Anushka is in Australia these days, where she is supporting Virat and the Indian cricket team. A few days ago, Anushka was seen on the streets of Melbourne with Athiya Shetty, who is cricketer KL Rahul’s wife.

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