Delhi: 1983 World Cup winning captain Kapil Dev recently reached an event, where the paparazzi questioned him on the controversial statement of Yograj Singh. Yograj Singh, who is the father of former Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh, recently said in an interview that he had once visited Kapil Dev’s house and threatened to shoot him.

What did Kapil Dev say?

At the event, when the paparazzi took the name of Yograj Singh, Kapil Dev laughed and said, “Who is that? Who is it? What are you talking about?” When someone replied that it was Yuvraj Singh’s father, Kapil smiled and said, “Ok, anything else?”

What did Yograj Singh say?

Yograj Singh expressed his displeasure about Kapil Dev in a show ‘Unfiltered by Samdish’. He said, “When Kapil became the captain, he dropped me from the team without any reason. My wife asked me to ask a question. But, I told him that I will teach this man a lesson. I went to Kapil’s house with a pistol. He came out with his mother. I abused him and said that I want to shoot you in the head, but I will not do that because your mother is a very pious woman. Then I said to my wife, let’s go.”

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